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Does fish meal and kelp work for fertilizer when gardening?
Fish meal and kelp are used as soil amendments and generally referred to as organic matter as distinct from artificial fertilizers because they are natural substances derived from plants and animals. Fish meal is a byproduct of seafood processing industry and comprises of ground dried fish. It is used as a fertilizer as well as feed for domestic livestock. Fish meal has a foul odor but very useful as a fertilizer. It contains all three essential soil nutrients, nitrogen, potassium and phosphorous in a relatively balance ratio as well as small quantities of minerals. Fish meal is as effective, if not more, as compost and manure for increasing soil fertility.
Kelp or kelp meal for soil use is made from ground seaweed, which are plants growing in the sea, especially marine algae. Kelp is relatively low in nitrogen and phosphorous but rich in vitamins, minerals and other soil conditioners. The advantage of using kelp meal is that it decomposes quickly and improves texture and structure of the soil. Since it is low in nutrients, kelp cannot be termed as a fertilizer; it is more of a soil amendment product.
Feeding the soil and letting the soil feed the plants is the key to successful gardening. Both fish meal and kelp can greatly enhance fertility and texture, the two most important features of good soil. Both products are available in garden centers in liquid as well as dry form. You can also find soil amendment products that contain both fish meal and kelp.
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